Hello!👋 I'm Evgenii
You can find me at github.com/ewgenius, linkedin.com/ewgenius and instagram.com/ewgeniux, or directly contact me at hey@ewgenius.me or ewgeniux@gmail.com and t.me/ewgenius
I’m mostly experienced in frontend development (9+ years), but I’m always open to learn something new and take the challenge
I have experience working with different web tech on frontend (vanilla html/js/css, React.js, angular, etc.) and backend (mostly based on node.js, but also worked with python, ruby/rails)
In my day-to-day work I prefer using React.js and I’m a big fan of TypeScript
Also I have some common experience with mobile development on wide range of platforms: native iOS and Android, React-Native, Xamarin, Cordova
Development and support of PandaDoc web UI and js-sdk integrations
Note: I've joined GitHub as a part of internal reorganisation. And during that time I had to relocate back to home from US, that is why I didn't work for long time here.
Worked in Build team at Visual Studio App Center - https://appcenter.ms
Development and support for build (CI) services of App Center:
Worked in Build team at Visual Studio App Center - https://appcenter.ms
Joined Microsoft as an FTE
Worked in Build team at Visual Studio App Center - https://appcenter.ms
Joined Microsoft as a vendor from Akvelon Inc.
Worked on Django web apps, implementing custom admin interfaces for your internal ERP system
Worked on jQuery photo-slider plugin
Worked with HTML/CSS markup, created simple sites and pages